
Psychiatry corresponds to the field of medical expertise that deals with the study, understanding, explanation, prophylaxis, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders and rehabilitation from these, based on clinical obervation and scientific research.

​Psychiatry corresponds to the field of medical expertise that deals with the study, understanding, explanation, prophylaxis, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders and rehabilitation from these, based on clinical obervation and scientific research.

Considered in the context of history, Psychiatry has a complex scientific status: while it belongs to the field of medical sciences, it is also a ¨science of subjectivity¨. This means that in psychiatric practice, clinical experience continues to be of prime importance, along with empirical developments, biological bases, and ever greater methodological rigour. 

Psychiatry as a branch of medicine aims to study and treat emotional and relational disorders in human beings, and to help subjects adapt as best they can to their environment in such a way as to ensure their independence and ability to cope with the various conditions that shape human existence. As a theoretical discipline, its foucs is on the study of mental illness, and as an applied science, on the mentally ill subject.

In practical terms, Psychiatry is the medical specialty dedicated to the study and treatment of mental disorders, especially those nowadays included, by agreement of the scientific community, in Chapter V(F) ¨Mental and Behavioural Disorders¨ of the 10th edition of the International Classification of Diseases sponsored by the World Health Organization.

Psychiatry as a professional activity includes a wide range of technical interventions, spanning from those of an interpersonal nature, as is the case of psychotherapy, to those of a somatic nature, like psychoparmacology or electroconvulsive therapy.

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