Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation as a medical specialty involves the diagnosis, assessment, prevention and treatment of disability in order to facilitate, maintain or restore the highest possible degree of functional ability and independence.

As defined by the WHO (2. Report of the Expert Committee, Geneva, 1968), rehabilitation is the set of social, educational and vocational measures designed to restore the greatest possible degree of ability and independence to patients with disabilities


In the 688 Technical Report Series 1981 on Disability Prevention and Rehabilitation, the WHO Expert Committee agreed on the following definitions:


A) Reabilitation includes all measures aimed at reducing the impact of disabling and handicapping conditions, and at enabling the disabled and handicapped to achieve social integration.

B) Rehabilitation aims not only at training disabled and handicapped persons to adapt to their environment, but also at intervening in their immediate environment and society as a whole in order to facilitate their social integration.

C) The disabled and handicapped themselves, their families, and the communities they live in should be involved in the planning and implementation of services related to rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation is a specialty that aims to coordinate and ensure the implementation and application of all the measures intended to prevent or limit to the unavoidable minimum the functional, physical, psychological, social and economic consequences of deficiencies or disabilities.

In involves the methodical implemenation of the actions necessary to achieve these objectives, from the onset of the condition until the patient´s reintegration into their environment and into society. Rehabilitation activities must be carried out according to a particular order and relationship, and in the spirit of mutual cooperation. Individuals and resources must therefore be coordinated in order to achieve a common goal. 

physicial rehabilitation

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