Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Maxillofacial Surgery is the medical-surgical specialty that deals with the prevention, study, diagnosis and treatment of, and rehabilitation from, diseases of the mouth and of the face, and also of the neck structures, which are directly or indirectly linked to these areas.

Its application should be based on a comprehensive understanding of this set of interrelated organs, and on strict embryological and anatomo-functional criteria, and therefore, the practice of this specialty and the associated professional responsibility, must be absolute, both with respect to specific medical treatments and with respect to the use of surgical techniques.

For this specialty to be developed in full, there need to be specific, formalized measures with other specialties whose different therapeutic or diagnostic tools could produce better results in the study or treatment of our patients.

Bearing in mind the pathological diversity that can be seen at this regional level, the specialty shall encompass congenital or acquired malformative, tumorous, traumatic and infectious-inflammatory diseases, and any neighbouring or distant reconstructive options that can be used.

Training Areas for Maxillofacial Surgeons

  • The basics of General Surgery.
  • The essentials of Odonto-Stomatology.
  • Full training in Oral and Maxillofacial Medical Pathology.
  • Full training in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Pathology.

Appointments or enquiries

Contact us 

We will assist you at any hospital in Spain.

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