The Reproduction Medicine Unit of the HM Montepríncipe University Hospital, the forerunner unit for the last 25 years of what is now HM FERTILITY CENTER, was created in 1999

About us


From the first moment we grew in tune with the three pillars that support the philosophy of the HM group: Patient Care, Teaching and Research. All of us who work at HM Hospitals have as an axiom that "the patient comes first". So, we are committed to treating those who are "across the table from our consultations" as we would like them to treat ourselves. With the love and scientific and psychological support that human beings who are looking for a child require. Human beings who are "identical to us".

From the point of view of Teaching, we have trained numerous professionals, both in the clinical field of assisted reproduction and in that of embryology, who today are part of the HM Fertility Center and other National Reproduction Units. Every year, since 2005, several students of the Master of Human Reproduction of the Complutense University as well as of the Master of Biology and Technology of Reproduction of the University of Oviedo do their practices in our unit.

And without the least concession to complacency because we still have a lot to achieve, but with the same intensity with which we have lived day to day working to make possible the dream of so many couples of being parents, we are particularly pleased that we have put our "grain of sand" in order for the "young" science of reproductive medicine to progress and to help make it increasingly effective.


As a final example, our SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY during the last 25 years.



Why HM Fertility Center?

HM Fertility Center are centers of reference in Spain in assisted reproduction treatments.


Reproduction unit within a Hospital complex.
Comprehensive fertility treatment service.
Clinical analysis laboratory, which coordinates with the reproduction unit to deliver results.
Biological Laboratory within the reproduction unit.
Operating room built into the playback unit.
All this avoiding the patient commuting.

Fivcare protocol. Personalized treatment monitoring.
With the security offered by HM Hospitals.


More info about fertility center services click here

International patient 


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