
Otorhinolaryngology covers a wide field of study and surgical activity over a complex area in which the connecting link, the fact of pertaining primarily or secondarily to the upper aerodigestive tract, in many cases harbours situations that are clearly different in terms of idagnostic method and surgical technique.


Otorhinolaryngology is a medical-surgical specialty that brings together knowledge relating to the ears, the nose, the pharynx and larynx, neck pathology, and the salivary glands. Given the link between these regions and the fact that conditions are likely to affect them together, they are all studied as part of the same speciatly.

Otorhinolaryngology may be defined as a fundamental pillar of communication, since it is through pillar of communication, since it is through the organs of the senese examined by this specialty (hearing, smell, and taste) that information about the surrounding environment is received.

Moreover, the central vestibular system brings together the sensory inputs from the receptors of the posterior labyrinth and the cervical proprioceptive endings, inputs that will provide an understanding of spacial orientation and generate reflexes enabling muscle tone and balance to be maintained. If this is the case for the reception and processing of external information, the same may be said for projection to the outside world through phonation.

Leaving aside the objective limiatations of the specialty and the limitations of the specialty and the limitations that we ourselves set, current medicine is regarded as a team effort, and therefore Otorhinolaryngology must cultivate relationships between pathologists, radiologists, radiotherapists, oncologists, endocrinologists, ophthalmologists, neurosurgeons, plastic surgeons, general surgeons, maxillofacial surgeons, thoracic surgeons, and so on; this will enable mutual enrichment and the achievement of medicine´s main obejctive: to ensure the physical and emotional well-being of the sick.

Otorhinolaryngology comprises all the theoretical and practical knowledge required for the diagnosis and medical-surgical treatment of infectious, oncological, traumatic, cogenital, and degenerative pathologies of the ears, nostrils, and paranasal sinuses, and pharynx, and larynx.

All types of treatments





Brainstem Auditory Evoked Potentials (PEATC, PEAEE)

Hipoacusia, Otosclerosis (Estapedectomía Láser). Otitis, Otorrheal sequelae. (Tympanic perforations.) Colesteatoma (Timpanoplastia). Middle Ear Tumors. Exostosis. Osteomas.  Audiometría.  Otoemisiones Acústics (OEA). Parálisis Facial..

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