Medicine Surgery Without Blood

The aim of the MCSS unit is to respond to a growing demand from patients who request a medicine of the highest and safety quality, without blood products, mainly in the surgical field.

There is a real need in Madrid and in the neighboring provinces, also throughout the north, west and south of Spain, to offer this type of Medicine and surgery without blood.

This type of medicine is a sign of "Excellence in Medicine" and "Quality of Care" for all medical teams and surgeons who are involved in it, Excellence that is the commitment of HM Hospitals from its origin.

medicina sin sangre

Why create the bloodless medicine and surgery unit?

Benefits for the population

There is a real demand and need not adequately covered, not only for the Jehovah's Witness religious ethics collective, but for a constantly growing "mass" of population. The risks, although low, that still persist in blood transfusion, the shortage of blood and the growing desire of patients not to be transfused are conditioning the approach of saving blood, mainly in the surgical field.

Benefits for patients who reject blood product transfusions

They have a reference center and professionals who meet their needs, respecting their personal values and options, with the maximum guarantees and quality of care.


Services Unit Medicine and Surgery without blood

The BLOOD-FREE MEDICINE AND SURGERY Unit is held at HM Madrid with the exception of Obstetrics, which is held at HM Montepríncipe (Dr. Javier Valero) and Gynecology at HM Torrelodones (Dr. Valero).

 blood and medicine

For an adequate follow-up of obstetric patients and in order to preserve their safety, patients who consult prior to the 20th week of gestation will be included in the program. Specialties in pediatric surgery and adult heart surgery are not included in the MCSS Unit. We work with strategies developed based on scientific evidence, establishing in a multidisciplinary way the therapeutic plan to follow, taking into account the personal values or options chosen by the patient, prioritizing, whenever possible, the choice of minimally invasive techniques. Patients will be informed and a personalized informed consent document will be collected. The Unit is endowed with all those human and technical resources necessary for Medicine and Surgery without safe blood, always seeking: -Preoperative optimization -Techniques to minimize bleeding -Blood-saving techniques.

medicine without blood

For this we have:

  • Excellent professionals with involvement in the Unit and experience in bloodless medicine and surgery.

  • Specific structure and equipment.
  • Surgical consultation to assess the indication.
  • Pre-anesthetic consultation for assessment of pre and intra-surgical needs: pre-surgical optimization of hemoglobin: oral and intravenous iron, erythropoietin.
  • Consultations of other specialties if there is a need to optimize or diagnose the preoperative situation (hematology to study anemia, if it exists; cardiology; etc)
  • Operating room: complete monitoring and adequate hemostasis equipment and vessel sealers, as well as cell retrievers.
  • High flow serum therapy infusion systems.
  • Adequate hemostatic pharmacology and fluids.


Organization of the Bloodless Medicine and Surgery Unit

The Bloodless Medicine and Surgery Unit is organized around the following structure:

  • Governing Body
  • General Healthcare Coordinator: Group anesthesia coordinator and Group intensive medicine coordinator.
  • Assistance coordinators: Heads of medical and surgical services
  • Surgical and perfusion nursing teams.
  • Patient care: interlocutor with patients requesting this type of medical-surgical treatment: HM Quality Manager.


Medicine Surgery Without Blood

The Department of Quality will be contacted, for more information or summons in consultations.


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