Da Vinci Robot: Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery

HM Hospitales has launched its Robotic Surgery Program by acquiring a Da Vinci surgical robot. The most sophisticated and innovative surgery techniques.

HM Hospitales has launched its Robotic Surgery Program by acquiring a Da Vinci surgical robot, installed at Hospital Universitario HM Sanchinarro . The purpose of this initiative is: to make this the latest-generation technology and its associated advantages available to all our patients, and to be in a position to remain at the forefront of surgical treatment over the next decade.

robotic surgery

The Da Vinci surgical robot is the most sophisticated and innovative minimally invasive surgical device on the market today; offering the same or better results than conventional surgery, plus the advantages of a minimally invasive procedure.

Advantages of minimally invasive surgery

  • Faster recovery after the operation.
  • A reduced level of post-operative pain.
  • Less scarring, since abdominal incisions don't need to be as large.
  • Quick return to everyday activities.
  • Shorter hospitalization period.
  • Lower risk of infection and other complications.

The surgical robot Da Vinci is a sophisticated robotic platform in which the surgeon directs the robot´s arms from a console, by means of manual controls and pedals, using a stereoscopic vision system. The Da Vinci robot helps the surgeon in the performance of highly complex surgeries through minimally invasive surgery.

By aligning the professional eye, their hand and the tip of the instrument, you get an intuitive control of the technique, more natural than in laparoscopic surgery and similar to that of open surgery. The movements of the surgeon's hand are measured, filtered and translated into the robotic arms and instruments

Components of the Da Vinci robot

  • The surgical console, in which the surgeon sits watching the surgical field through a binocular device.
  • The patient's tower with articulated robotic arms for instruments and optics.
  • The vision tower, which incorporates a tactical panoramic screen (which extends the field of vision), a light source and electrical devices.

The Da Vinci surgical robot is equipped with instruments that enable a greater range of movement and more precision than those used for open abdominal surgery, or even laparoscopic surgery, facilitating anatomical dissection and removal of the affected organ. Thanks to its state-of-the-art camera, this emerging laparoscopic technology allows a detailed visualization of the operative field by enlarging the 3D images.

Main technical advantages of the Da Vinci surgical robot

  • Three-dimensional view.
  • Four arms to hold the endoscopic instruments and the camera, unsusceptible to shaking and dropping.
  • Extremely mobile endoscopic instruments enabling intracorporeal movements to be made in every direction, intuitively simulating the movements of a human hand.

Robotic surgery program service portfolio

Indications with established protocols:

  • General Surgery
  • Urology
  • Oncological Gynecology

Structure of the robotic surgery medical team

General Surgery HM SANCHINARRO

Dr. Emilio de Vicente

Dr. Yolanda Quijano

Oncological Gynecology

Dr. Carlos Millán Sanz-Lomana

Beside Da Vinci Robot, our Surgical team and HM Hospitales incorporate 3D technology and personalizes its oncological surgery allowing planning the interventions that gain precision and safety.


Development of 3D models

For each patient, an exact replication of the organs and structures into which the tumor or tumors are integrated is performed so that it is possible to perfectly visualize the lesion before opening to proceed with surgery. In this way, it is possible to know its exact size and location, as well as the degree of vascular involvement, among other variables. With all this, you can plan the intervention precisely before opening. As Yolanda Quijano, co-director of the General Digestive Surgery Service at this hospital, explained, "it is as if we had a personal atlas for each patient." In certain tumors, for example, those that affect the liver, 3D models are especially useful since it is an opaque organ.

Robotic surgery is also applied to others areas like urology. 

Contact us 

Medical team


HM Madrid

Plaza del Conde del Valle de Suchil nº 16 28015 Madrid


Dr. Domingo Rodríguez Peña

Dr. Francisco Javier García Borda

Dra. Sofía Carlota Cárdenas Crespo

Dra. Lucia Diego García

Dr. Daniel Adolfo Melero Montes

Dra. Carmen Castro Savoie



HM Montepríncipe

Avenida de Montepríncipe nº 25 28660 Boadilla del Monte, Madrid.


Dr. Antonio José Torres García

Dr. Antonio Luis Picardo Nieto

Dr. Felipe Acedo De La Rosa

Dr. Pedro Abadía Barno

Dr. Luis Miguel Estela Villa

Dr. Antonio Gil Pérez

Dr. Carmen Jiménez Ceinos

Dr. Benito Miguel Josa Martínez

Dr. Javier Martínez Pascuas

Dra. María Perez-Seoane Zunzunegui

Dr. Javier Serrano González

Dr. Vicente Fernández Nespral

Dra. Rosaura Bennazar Nin

Dra. Marta Fernández-Nespral Loring

Dr. Pedro Pablo Martín Marfil

Dra. Catalina Oliva Díaz



HM Nuevo Belén

Calle de José Silva, 7 28043 Madrid.

Dr. Pedro Pablo Martín Marfil


HM Puerta del Sur

Avda. de Carlos V, 70. 28936 Móstoles

Dr. Andrés Sánchez Pernaute

Dr. Luis Ignacio Díez Valladares

Dra. Inmaculada Domínguez Serrano

Dra. María Elia Pérez Aguirre

HM Rosaleda

C/Santiago León de Caracas, 1 15701, Santiago de Compostela. La Coruña.

Dr. Luis Alberto García Vallejo

Dr. Miguel Angel Freiría Eiras

Dra. Cristina Varela Lamas


HM Sanchinarro

Calle Oña, 10 28050 Sanchinarro, Madrid

Dr. Emilio de Vicente

Dr. Emilio Vicente López

Dr. Riccardo Caruso

Dr. Eduardo Díaz Reques

Dr. Hipólito Duran Giménez-Rico

Dra. Isabel Fabra Cabrera

Dra. Valentina Ferri

Dr. Luis Alfredo Malavé Cardozo

Dra. Yolanda Quijano Collazo



HM Torrelodones

Avenida Castillo Olivares, s/n 28250 Torrelodones, Madrid.

Dr. Juan San Román Diego

Dr. Ramón Corripio Sánchez

Dr. Ramón José Díaz Conradi

Dra. Cristina Teresa Pérez Algar

Dra. María Recarte Rico

Dr. Ricardo José Vázquez Perfecto

HM Vallés

Calle de Santiago, 14, 28801 Alcalá de Henares, Madrid

Dr. Felipe Acedo De La Rosa

Dr. Jorge Auza Villegas

Dra. Alma Blázquez Martín

Dr. José Martín Fernández


Hospital HM Delfos

Avinguda de Vallcarca, 151, 08023 Barcelona


Institut J. Martí Ragué A. Sáenz

Dr. Josep Maria Llovera Colom

Dr. Marc Martí Gallostra

Dr. Javier Osorio Aguilar

Dr. Àlex Sáenz Coromina

Dra. Helena Subirana Magdaleno

Dr. César Ginestà Martí

Dr. Juan Carlos Baanante Cerdeña

Dr. Jesús Bollo Rodríguez

Dr. Ernest Bombuy Giménez

Dr. Gabriel Cárdenas Rivera

Dr. Rafael Díaz del Gobbo

Dr. Domenico Fraccalvieri

Dra. Esther Mans Muntwyler

Dra. Mª Dolores Martí Sirvent

Dra. Brígida Martínez Vidal

Dra. Brígida Martínez Vidal

Dra. Claudia Beatriz Mitru

Dr. Víctor Molina Santos

Dr. Santiago Sánchez Cabús

Dr. Hassan Tahmaz Mohamad

Dr. Mauro Valentini

Sra. Silvia Zaragoza


Hospital HM Modelo-Maternidad HM Belén

C/ Virrey Osorio, 30 15011 A Coruña

Servicio Digestivo en HM Modelo y en HM Belén

Dr. Pedro De Llano Monelos

Dra. Inés Mella García

Dra. Purificación Palacios Valiño


Hospital HM Regla


Calle Cardenal Landázuri, 2, 24003 León

Servicio Cirugía General y Laparoscopia HM Regla

Dr. Pablo Díez González

Dr. Tomás Elosúa González

Dr. Jorge Hernández Cortés

Dr. Benedetto Ielpo

Dr. Jose Antonio Pedrosa Simón


HM San Francisco


Calle Marqueses de San Isidro, 11, 24004 León

Servicio Cirugía General HM San Francisco

Dr. Jose María Canga Presa

Dr. José Luis De La Cruz Vigo

Dr. Jorge Hernández Cortés

Dr. Silvino Pacho Valbuena




Policlínico HM IMI Toledo

Avda. Irlanda, 21 45005 Toledo


Dr. José Ramón Gutiérrez Moreno

Dr. Francisco Javier García Moreno


Appointments or enquiries

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