HM Nens
On May 15, 1886, Dr. Francisco Vidal Solares and Sister Mercedes Viza, sister of the Society of Daughters of Charity of San Vicente de Paul, decided to create a small dispensary to help children with malnutrition. In just 4 years, the project grew so much that in May 1890 the Hospital for Poor Children in Barcelona was inaugurated, the first center of its kind to open in Catalonia and the second in all of Spain. Thus began a great story of charity and, above all, of helping children and the most needy. From day one, the Hospital specialized in resolving nutritional disorders in infants, especially in those cases where there was a lack of breast milk. The drop of milk One of the most serious health problems of the late nineteenth century was the malnutrition and excessive infant mortality it entailed. To combat it, the so-called “Drops of Milk” were created, charities in which artificial milk was offered to poor children, who could not be breastfed by their mothers.
At the center, in addition to promoting breastfeeding and advising mothers on parenting, milk was collected from donors and distributed among needy children, who received a basket with the necessary bottles for 24 hours. But cow’s milk was also treated to sanitize and breastfeed, making it suitable for consumption by younger children.
The high professional quality with which infants were treated and the modern methods used by the Hospital to care for them soon led to it being recognized as a forerunner in Europe of the hygienic introduction to infant nutrition.
HM Delfos is a reference hospital in the private healthcare of Catalonia, where we offer the best care service to our patients by providing solutions to their medical needs.
At HM Delfos we have new teams of professionals, of the highest technology and with a desire for continuous progress that allows us to apply the latest advances in medicine to overcome all our challenges. Thanks to all the professionals who make our commitment possible.
Last April 2019, HM Hospitales announced the acquisition of more than 75% of the shares in the historic Clínica Sant Jordi in Barcelona.

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